XV by Zach Goldberg (Nomadic Press, 2020). Cover illustration by Arthur Johnstone

XV by Zach Goldberg (Nomadic Press, 2020). Cover illustration by Arthur Johnstone

XV by Zach Goldberg is a remarkable chapbook that tracks and detonates the triangulation of the body, the mind, and the world. With deft clarity of voice and vision, Goldberg guides us through the failures and frailty of the body set against the unshakable fact of the human spirit. “There’s blood in the streets tonight, and some of it’s yours”—paterfamilias, memory, illness, and the divine, are all alive and vibrating inside this small and necessary book.
— sam sax, author of Bury It and Madness

XV was published by Nomadic Press in 2020 and was nominated for the 2021 CLMP Firecracker Award. This chapbook probes at questions of inherited trauma, masculinity, and religion. If the body is a vessel for history, what do we do with history? Ignore it? Deny it? Revise it? Heal from it?

Note: As of 2023, XV (and other Nomadic titles) has moved over to Black Lawrence Press.